
The Shelter has a special lease with the Queensland Department of Housing and Public Works.

We have a place for our clients to call home

The Apartments

We have an apartment block which has 5 accommodation units.  We are able to accommodate 5 women and their children. There is no communal living; each family has their own apartment with security.  The premises are protected by electronic surveillance (security cameras) and electronic gates.  The shelter is emergency accommodation for women and their children escaping domestic and family violence. The office is onsite so staff are readily available.  We also have a playroom for the kids and cubby house in the communal yard which they can enjoy.

The Play Room
Welcome to our beloved playroom. A place where all children can enjoy, learn and create

The Houses

We have three transitional properties which are accessed by our clients who are no longer in the crisis phase but are still seeking housing or have barriers to finding safe, secure and affordable housing.

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